Online Giving: A secure, convenient option to submit tithes and offerings.
Online Giving: A secure, convenient option to submit tithes and offerings.
King's Kids returns Wednesday, January 15th. This program is designed for children tom have a place to know God and know more about Him. K4-5th grade. We begin at 6:50pm and end around 8pm. Nursery is provided for 3 year olds and younger. This program will be every week until summer, unless otherwise indicated.
Grace Baptist Church in Coatesville, IN was organized March 29, 1992. It was formed by people with pioneering spirits to reach lost souls & burdened hearts and to hold forth God’s Word in an atmosphere that would encourage personal growth and church-wide involvement as people-helpers.
The original charter, with twenty-five people present, reads as follows:
We, the undersigned, guided as we believe by the Holy Spirit and relying upon His continued guidance and blessing of the triune God, do here and now, by this act constitute ourselves a New Testament church to administer His ordinances, advance His worship, encourage Christian fellowship, and to be governed by His will as revealed in the New Testament and to that end affix our signature to this charter.
On November 1, 1992, five acres of land were purchased on South State Road 75, which is the church’s present location. Tragedy struck in June 1998 when our church was destroyed by arson. The Lord was faithful and our people drew even closer together - what man meant for evil, God meant for good. Through the Lord’s mercy and grace, He helped us rebuild our church, remaining debt free and making it even larger than before the fire. We thank God for His providence and for allowing us to minister to and bring His Word to our community.
Service Times
Sunday School - 9:30
Sunday Morning - 10:30
Sunday Evening - 6:30
Wednesday Evening - 7pm
Mail to - PO Box 13
8246 S State Road 75, Coatesville, IN
(765) 386-7515